I've been planning this one for the last two years and I'm so grateful to the AMAZING sci-fi authors who agreed to be a part of this epic 300-year spanning story!

The Tears of Perseus is my newest series in the FiveFold Universe. It tells the story of the Second Interstellar War, that some of you may remember being hinted at in the Zack Lancestrom series. What makes this series so unique though, is that the war is divided into 6 parts - 6 stages as humankind spreads across the galaxy and discovers they can live outside of the control of The Federation, and begin to fight for their freedom.
I don't want to give too much away but each story hands off to the next to tell one epic space opera of an adventure that will change the course of humanity and lay the ground work for a new era of the FiveFold Universe.
Book 1, Truumeel's Light is out now! Written by Jennifer Brozek (who you might know from the Shadowrun and Battletech universes to name only a few), it is the story of the dangers and excitement that come from being space colonists. And includes a piece from Kevin J. Anderson (Yes, THAT Kevin J. Anderson, who writes for Dune and Star Wars)!
The next book, from Kevin Steverson and Kevin J. Anderson will hit the Amazon shelves in 2 weeks, and each new piece of the puzzle will be released every 2 weeks after that.
Check them all out here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHKP8YJ9
Which book are you most excited for?