Hi guys, I'm excited to show off my latest project: the Tears of Perseus Omnibus. If you've been following along you know that I've been working on this project for over a year (actually getting closer to two years) but I'm finally holding in my hand the finished and, in my opinion, most epic sci-fi space opera!
The Omnibus includes all 6 stories of the Tears of Perseus series from veteran sci-fi authors Kevin J. Anderson, Jennifer Brozek, Kevin McLaughlin, Kevin Steverson, William Alan Webb, and myself, and then we added additional bonus content to really give you the scope and ramifications of the story within the universe.
It's a lot of really fantastic authors that I'm so glad they chose to trust in my universe and lend their experience and unique perspectives to each story.
Watch the video below for me to show off the physical copies of the book and tell you more!
Ready to get your own copy of the Omnibus, (and make it a perfect addition to your bookshelf)? Pick it up on amazon here: https://geni.us/TearsofPerseusOmnibus
Curious how these six stories fit together? Each is a singular moment in time that lead up into and through the Second Interstellar War. Each author created a story that ties to the next allowing them to build on top of each other.
